Below is a selection of conferences in which I am or was involved in the organizing committee.
- General Chair for Hypertext 2016
- Program Chair for Hypertext 2014
- Poster and Demo Chair for Intelligent User Interfaces 2015
- Poster and Demo Chair for UMAP 2013
- Workshop and Tutorial Chair for UMAP 2012
- Publicity Chair for CHI 2012
- Publicity Chair for UMAP 2010 and UMAP 2011
- Co-organizer of several workshops at UMAP, ESWC and IUI
- Local Chair for Adaptive Hypermedia 2008
- Chair of the German workshop on Adaptivity and User modelling in Interactive Systems ABIS 2006, ABIS 2010 and ABIS 2012
Journal Reviewing
I am regularly invited to perform reviews for various scientific journals, among which:
- ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
- Journal of Web Semantics
- Multimedia Tools and Applications
- ACM Computing Surveys
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- ACM Transactions on the Web
Program Committee Memberships (2015)
I have reviewed papers for a wide variety of conferences and workshops. A selection of conferences for which I served as a program committee member in 2015 is listed below.
- Hypertext 2015 - 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media
- I-KNOW 2015 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business
- ICSLE 2015 - International Conference on Smart Learning Environments
- ICWL 2015 - The 14th International Conference on Web-based Learning
- LAK 2015 - 5th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
- LC 2015 - International Workshop on Learning in the Cloud
- mis4TEL'15 - 5th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Tehnology Enhanced Learning
- MSM2015 - 6th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media
- SEMANTiCS 2015 - 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems
- SPS2015 - International Workshop on Social Personalisation & Search
- UMAP 2015 - 23rd Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization
- VISLA15 - Visual approaches to learning analytics
- Mensch und Computer 2015