FireMe! monitors Twitter and collects tweets from people who supposedly hate their jobs, or want to kill their bosses or coworkers. These tweets are displayed on the FireMe! site. In addition, FireMe! analyses the sentiment of the tweets, in order to calculate a user's 'firemeter' score. The FireMe! leaderboard features those users with the highest scores and who are most likely to get fired.
In a short period of three weeks, FireMe! sent out 4304 tongue-in-cheek warnings. 249 people deleted their questionable tweet within two hours. Further analysis of the tweets showed that job-haters usually have a small number of followers and use more profane language.
Check out FireMe! yourself:
In the Press
End March 2013, FireMe! received a lot of attention from the press. Below a small selection of articles and video coverage.
FireMe! App Tracks Boss-Hate On Twitter
English press
FireMe! Twitter alert says you've overstepped the mark
Will That Tweet Get You Fired? This App Warns You
FireMe! Twitter Service Makes Getting Fired Way Easier
Calm Down, No One’s Getting Fired Because Of FireMe!, New Site That Exposes People Tweeting Horrible Things About Their Jobs
German press
Diese Website outet meckernde Job- und Chef-Hasser!-Story-356075
Twitter-App warnt User vor drohender Kündigung - "FireMe!" stöbert beleidigende Tweets gegen eigenen Chef auf
Video coverage
Wall Street Journal Live: Will This Tweet Get You Fired? Ask FireMe!
NDR: "Fire me": Wie User um Kündigung "betteln"
Fox 5: FireMe! app posts your tweets about job, bosses
CNN: Twitter tool saves you from yourself
Ricardo Kawase, Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Eelco Herder, Wolfgang Nejdl, Marco Antonio Casanova. Who Wants To Get Fired. Proc. Web Science 2013.
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