Below the list of current and past projects in which I worked during my employment at the L3S.
GlycoRec (January 2015-present)
Roles: proposal writer, local manager and work package leader, researcher
The BMBF-funded project GlycoRec will investigate how to improve everyday support for people suffering from diabetes by providing individual advices regarding everyday decisions that affect their health and well-being. Long-term monitoring and analysis of physiological data as well as context data will allow for more accurate predictions, which form the basis for targeted advices and recommendations. This will allow patients to recognize and adhere to patterns that affect their health in a positive manner.
EUMSSI (December 2013-present)
Roles: proposal writer, local manager and work package leader, researcher
The main objective of EUMSSI is developing technologies for identifying and aggregating data presented as unstructured information in sources of very different nature (video, image, audio, speech, text and social context), including both online (e.g., YouTube) and traditional media (e.g. audiovisual repositories), and for dealing with information of very different degrees of granularity. The multimodal analytics will help organize, classify and cluster cross-media streams, by enriching its associated metadata
Madsack (March 2013-2015)
Roles: local manager, researcher
In a joint venture between publisher Madsack and Leibniz University, innovative and usable personalisation concepts for ePaper offers publishable by Madsack are to be developed. The planned ePaper should to be more dynamic and more attractive for readers than previous approaches, in particular adapted better to their information requirements, preferences and interests through personalisation based on users and user-groups.
LinkedUp (November 2012-2015)
Roles: work package leader, researcher
The emergence of the (Linked) Open Data movements has led to an ever growing amount of Web data. LinkedUp will push forward the exploitation of open Web data, particularly in the field of education, through a range of activities, for instance, the development of a curated data environment and a competition and evaluation framework which identifies innovative success stories of robust, Web-scale data and knowledge management applications in the educational sector.
STELLAR (2009-2012)
Roles: proposal writer, local manager, work package leader, researcher
STELLAR is a Network of Excellence in Technology-Enhanced Learning. It brings together researchers from various disciplines to shape the future of TEL. Research is focused on connecting learners, orchestration and contextualization of learning. STELLAR brings researchers and industry together with events, online platforms and research initiatives.
Sync3 (2009-2012)
Roles: local manager, work package manager, researcher
The goal of SYNC3 is to bring together news events and topics from mainstream media with peoples’ comments and opinions in the Blogosphere. This is achieved by automatically detecting and analyzing news events, and then searching blogs to identify related posts and analyze expressed opinions. Through an advanced but easy-to-use visual interface, the readers can navigate through the discovered information, benefit from the broad and diverse views on running issues, and actively participate by creating their own stories.
Grapple (2008-2011)
Roles: proposal writer, work package manager, researcher
The Grapple project focuses on generic solutions for cross-system learner modeling, adaptive course authoring and integration of adaptive features into existing LMSs. We developed a generic user modeling framework with flexible tools for reasoning and mapping. Learner profiles are enriched with data from the social Web.
TENCompetence (2005-2009)
Roles: work package manager, researcher
TENCompetence provides a flexible and costeffective solution for lifelong learners. Its infrastructure helps learners to develop their competences or to acquire new ones in a flexible way and their mentors to support them more efficiently. The project and its tools actively promote self-directed learning and communication in learning communities.
PROLEARN (2004-2007)
Roles: general manager, researcher
PROLEARN is a 'Network of Excellence' program of the European Commission dealing with technology enhanced professional learning. Our mission is to bring together the most important research groups in the area of professional learning and training, as well as other key organisations and industrial partners, thus bridging the currently existing gap between research and education at universities and similar organisations and training and continuous education that is provided for and within companies.